timezonefinder(L) API Documentation NOTE: timezonefinder is an open source python package and has many additional features. Please consider installing it locally in order to keep the load of this online API low. Check out the official documentation: https://timezonefinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Github: https://github.com/MrMinimal64/timezonefinder API urls must follow this format: f"http://timezonefinder.michelfe.it/api/{mode}_{longitude}_{latitude}" use {mode} to select the function to query: 0: TimezoneFinder.timezone_at() 1: TimezoneFinder.certain_timezone_at() 2: TimezoneFinder.closest_timezone_at() 3: TimezoneFinderL.timezone_at() 4: TimezoneFinderL.timezone_at_land() 5: TimezoneFinder.timezone_at_land() Example: http://timezonefinder.michelfe.it/api/0_42.879638671875_11.888853082975968 Result (JSON): {"tz_name": "Africa/Djibouti", "status_code": 200} Possible status code (cf. HTTP status codes): 200 # OK 204 # No Content (tz = None) 422 # Unprocessable Entity (error appeared during query: e.g. lat lng out of bounds) 400 # Bad request (wrong url format)